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Algorithm Design | Edition: 1

Algorithm Design | Edition: 1

Author: Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos, Iva Tardos
ISBN: 9780321295354
publisher: Pearson
publisher Date: 03/18/2005
Price: 174.4
eBookPrice: 105
Schools: Temple University,George Mason University,Illinois Institute of Technology,Rochester Institute of Technology,University of Maryland College Park,Worcester Polytechnic Institute,University of Michigan -Ann Arbor North,Stony Brook University(SUNY),Yale University,University of Chicago,Dartmouth College,Georgia Institute of Techology,The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor,Penn State University,Boston University,Columbia University,University Of Pennsylvnaia,Rice University,Southern Methodist University,University of North Carolina at Charlotte,Wright State University
Description: Algorithm Design introduces algorithms by looking at the real-world problems that motivate them. The book teaches students a range of design and analysis techniques for problems that arise in computing applications. The text encourages an understanding of the algorithm design process and an appreciation of the role of algorithms in the broader field of computer science.August 6, 2009 Author, Jon Kleinberg, was recently cited in the New York Times for his statistical analysis research in the Internet age.