IKCEST-ISTIC发 展 中 国 家 大 数 据 技 术 应 用 国 际 培 训 班 顺利举办
IKCEST-ISTIC International Training Workshop on Big Data Technology Application for Developing Countries was Successfully Held
为提升发展中国家大数据领域人才综合素质,9月12日-18日,由IKCEST-ISTIC和西安交通大学联合主办,IKCEST丝路培训基地承办的第42期丝路工程科技发展专项培训——发展中国家大数据技术应用国际培训班在西安交通大学举行。西安交通大学继续教育学院院长邸德海,副院长陈灵、张平川;中国工程院办公厅知识中心办公室副处长、知识中心项目管理办公室副主任刘畅;联合国教科文组织南南合作国际科技创新中心项目经理Mohd Azim Noor等出席开班仪式。来自马来西亚、老挝、毛里求斯、尼日利亚、老挝、柬埔寨、伊朗等地的教育官员及大数据相关人才参加此次培训。
To improve the comprehensive ability of developing countries in the fields of big data, the 42nd IKCEST Training Programme for Silk Road Engineering Science and Technology Development on Big Data Technology Application for Developing Countries was held in Xi’an Jiaotong University from Sept. 12th to 18th. It was co-hosted by IKCEST-ISTIC and Xi’an Jiaotong University, organized by IKCEST Silk Road Training Base. Professor Di Dehai, Dean of School of Continuing Education of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Vice Dean Chen Ling and Vice Dean Zhang Pingchuan, Ms. Liu Chang, Director of Division of International Cooperation, IKCEST, Mohd Azim Noor, Programme Manager of International Technological Centre for South-South Cooperation of UNESCO, attended the opening ceremony. Educational officials and students from Malaysia, Laos, Mauritius, Nigeria, Cambodia, Iran, and other countries attended the training programme.

In his welcoming speech on the opening ceremony, professor Di Dehai first gave a brief introduction to the history and development of both Xi’an Jiaotong University and University Alliance of Silk Road (UASR), and highlighted the achievements of the IKCEST Silk Road Training Base. He then expressed the hope that the attendees of this training workshop can have further understanding of the progress of big data, AI, and Internet of Things, which will help improve their ability to make better use of big data and become leading technological talents in their own fields.

In her speech, Ms. Liu Chang pointed out that there are 5 major goals for IKCEST: to establish an international resource database for engineering and technology; to establish a service centre for technology and big data; to establish a service system of professional knowledge by cooperating with different universities like Xi’an Jiaotong University, etc; to train more quality talents of engineering; to help better accomplish the goals and plans of UNESCO. She then hoped that more experts would share their research results and expertise with trainees from developing countries and help promote their development.

联合国教科文组织南南合作国际科技创新中心项目经理Mohd Azim Noor发表讲话。Azim在讲话中汇报了联合国教科文组织南南合作国际科技创新中心(ISTIC)的发展情况,并对此次活动的主办方IKCEST丝路培训基地和承办方西安交通大学表示感谢。
In his speech, Mohd Azim Noor reported the development of ISTIC for South-South Cooperation of UNESCO and extended his gratitude for IKCEST Silk Road Training Base and Xi’an Jiaotong University for their efforts in preparing and holding this training workshop.

After the opening ceremony, there came a self-introduction of all the attendees and assignment analysis. Through this mutual communication between the attendees, the lecturers better got to know about the attendees and their understanding about big data, AI and Internet of Things, which helped them better adjust their teaching approaches.

To help the students better know about big data, AI and Internet of Things, this programme prepared 9 courses. Besides, trainees were also offered opportunities to visit Shaanxi Historical Museum, Xi an International Logistics Park, and Chinasoft International Corporation so that they might have a better understanding about Chinese culture and economic development.

On the closing ceremony, every trainee gave a brief report about their achievement in this workshop, and Professor Sun Hongbin from School of Electronic and Information Engineering and Associate Professor Hui Yongchang from School of Mathematics and Statistics commented on their performances. Through the seven-day training, trainees greatly improved their ability in the application of big data technology, and had a better understanding about China’s Silk Road culture, about Xi’an Jiatong University, and about the industrial development in Xi’an city, which helped further strengthen the friendship between China and Belt-road countries.

The International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (shortened as “IKCEST”) is a category II centre under the auspices of UNESCO. IKCEST was established on June 2, 2014. The Chinese Academy of Engineering is responsible for the operation and management of the IKCEST. IKCEST aims at providing knowledge-based services at a global scale in the form of consultancies, scientific research and education for policy-makers and engineering science and technology professionals in the world, with particular reference to the developing countries. In February 2017, based in Xi'an Jiaotong University, IKCEST Silk Road Training Base was established, which aims to train more engineering and technological talents for Belt-Road countries.
Original Text (This is the original text for your reference.)
IKCEST-ISTIC发 展 中 国 家 大 数 据 技 术 应 用 国 际 培 训 班 顺利举办
IKCEST-ISTIC International Training Workshop on Big Data Technology Application for Developing Countries was Successfully Held
为提升发展中国家大数据领域人才综合素质,9月12日-18日,由IKCEST-ISTIC和西安交通大学联合主办,IKCEST丝路培训基地承办的第42期丝路工程科技发展专项培训——发展中国家大数据技术应用国际培训班在西安交通大学举行。西安交通大学继续教育学院院长邸德海,副院长陈灵、张平川;中国工程院办公厅知识中心办公室副处长、知识中心项目管理办公室副主任刘畅;联合国教科文组织南南合作国际科技创新中心项目经理Mohd Azim Noor等出席开班仪式。来自马来西亚、老挝、毛里求斯、尼日利亚、老挝、柬埔寨、伊朗等地的教育官员及大数据相关人才参加此次培训。
To improve the comprehensive ability of developing countries in the fields of big data, the 42nd IKCEST Training Programme for Silk Road Engineering Science and Technology Development on Big Data Technology Application for Developing Countries was held in Xi’an Jiaotong University from Sept. 12th to 18th. It was co-hosted by IKCEST-ISTIC and Xi’an Jiaotong University, organized by IKCEST Silk Road Training Base. Professor Di Dehai, Dean of School of Continuing Education of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Vice Dean Chen Ling and Vice Dean Zhang Pingchuan, Ms. Liu Chang, Director of Division of International Cooperation, IKCEST, Mohd Azim Noor, Programme Manager of International Technological Centre for South-South Cooperation of UNESCO, attended the opening ceremony. Educational officials and students from Malaysia, Laos, Mauritius, Nigeria, Cambodia, Iran, and other countries attended the training programme.

In his welcoming speech on the opening ceremony, professor Di Dehai first gave a brief introduction to the history and development of both Xi’an Jiaotong University and University Alliance of Silk Road (UASR), and highlighted the achievements of the IKCEST Silk Road Training Base. He then expressed the hope that the attendees of this training workshop can have further understanding of the progress of big data, AI, and Internet of Things, which will help improve their ability to make better use of big data and become leading technological talents in their own fields.

In her speech, Ms. Liu Chang pointed out that there are 5 major goals for IKCEST: to establish an international resource database for engineering and technology; to establish a service centre for technology and big data; to establish a service system of professional knowledge by cooperating with different universities like Xi’an Jiaotong University, etc; to train more quality talents of engineering; to help better accomplish the goals and plans of UNESCO. She then hoped that more experts would share their research results and expertise with trainees from developing countries and help promote their development.

联合国教科文组织南南合作国际科技创新中心项目经理Mohd Azim Noor发表讲话。Azim在讲话中汇报了联合国教科文组织南南合作国际科技创新中心(ISTIC)的发展情况,并对此次活动的主办方IKCEST丝路培训基地和承办方西安交通大学表示感谢。
In his speech, Mohd Azim Noor reported the development of ISTIC for South-South Cooperation of UNESCO and extended his gratitude for IKCEST Silk Road Training Base and Xi’an Jiaotong University for their efforts in preparing and holding this training workshop.

After the opening ceremony, there came a self-introduction of all the attendees and assignment analysis. Through this mutual communication between the attendees, the lecturers better got to know about the attendees and their understanding about big data, AI and Internet of Things, which helped them better adjust their teaching approaches.

To help the students better know about big data, AI and Internet of Things, this programme prepared 9 courses. Besides, trainees were also offered opportunities to visit Shaanxi Historical Museum, Xi an International Logistics Park, and Chinasoft International Corporation so that they might have a better understanding about Chinese culture and economic development.

On the closing ceremony, every trainee gave a brief report about their achievement in this workshop, and Professor Sun Hongbin from School of Electronic and Information Engineering and Associate Professor Hui Yongchang from School of Mathematics and Statistics commented on their performances. Through the seven-day training, trainees greatly improved their ability in the application of big data technology, and had a better understanding about China’s Silk Road culture, about Xi’an Jiatong University, and about the industrial development in Xi’an city, which helped further strengthen the friendship between China and Belt-road countries.

The International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (shortened as “IKCEST”) is a category II centre under the auspices of UNESCO. IKCEST was established on June 2, 2014. The Chinese Academy of Engineering is responsible for the operation and management of the IKCEST. IKCEST aims at providing knowledge-based services at a global scale in the form of consultancies, scientific research and education for policy-makers and engineering science and technology professionals in the world, with particular reference to the developing countries. In February 2017, based in Xi'an Jiaotong University, IKCEST Silk Road Training Base was established, which aims to train more engineering and technological talents for Belt-Road countries.
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