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Journal of Optical Technology

Journal of Optical Technology

Archives Papers: 473
The Optical Society of America
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Development of a high-resolution objective for an IR image synthesis system
A.V.Soldatenko; A.G.Verhoglyad; P.S.Zav’yalov; M.F.Stupak; M.F.Stupak; A.G.Maximov; N.E.Mareeva;
Keywords:Digital micromirror devices;Geometric optical design;Image quality;Infrared imaging;Optical components;Optical design;
Abstracts:The results of the engineering and testing of an objective included in an automated system for synthesizing dynamic and static IR images ... [J. Opt. Technol. 87, 100-104 (2020)]
Thermo-optic properties of diode-pumped Nd:YAG lasers with ceramic and crystalline active elements
G.I.Ryabtsev; G.I.Ryabtsev; M.V.Bogdanovich; A.V.Grigor’ev; V.N.Dudikov; K.V.Lepchenkov; A.G.Ryabtsev; P.V.Shpak; M.A.Shchemelev;
Keywords:Ceramic lasers;Diode laser arrays;Diode pumped lasers;Ion lasers;Nd:YAG lasers;Solid state lasers;
Abstracts:We studied the thermo-optic properties of diode-pumped high-power pulsed ceramic- and crystalline-active-element Nd:YAG lasers with ... [J. Opt. Technol. 87, 105-109 (2020)]
Restoration of nonuniformly smeared images
V.S.Sizikov; V.S.Sizikov; A.N.Dovgan; A.N.Dovgan; A.D.Tsepeleva; A.D.Tsepeleva;
Keywords:Fourier transforms;Image processing;Image restoration;Inverse problems;Point spread function;Scattering;
Abstracts:This paper considers the problem of mathematically eliminating a nonuniform rectilinear smear in an image, for example, a picture taken by ... [J. Opt. Technol. 87, 110-116 (2020)]
Optical properties of complex fluoride films obtained using vacuum electron-beam evaporation
V.N.Glebov; I.O.Goryachuk; G.A.Dubrova; A.M.Malyutin; A.M.Malyutin; V.I.Sokolov;
Keywords:Extinction coefficients;Fluoride;Optical coatings;Optical constants;Optical properties;Refractive index;
Abstracts:The ever-growing demands on the functional and operational characteristics of optical thin-film coatings have motivated studies on the ... [J. Opt. Technol. 87, 117-120 (2020)]
Effect of photonic processing of thin rutile films with cadmium sulphide quantum dots on forming the conditions for separating the nonequilibrium charge carriers
S.B.Kushchev; A.N.Latyshev; L.Yu.Leonova; E.V.Popova; E.V.Popova; O.V.Ovchinnikov; M.S.Smirnov;
Keywords:Flashlamps;Quantum dots;Semiconductors;Solar energy;Spectral properties;Thin films;
Abstracts:TiO_2/QDCdS heterostructure was synthesized by depositing preliminarily prepared cadmium sulphide (CdS) quantum dots onto microcrystalline ... [J. Opt. Technol. 87, 121-126 (2020)]
Effect of geometrical factors on the efficiency with which an electric spark is recorded using a fiber sensor with luminescent cladding
D.S.Agafonova; D.S.Agafonova; A.I.Sidorov; A.I.Sidorov;
Keywords:Cylindrical lenses;Fiber optic sensors;Optical fibers;Sensors;Spatial resolution;Viewing angles;
Abstracts:The results of computerized simulation of the efficiency of detecting an electric spark by a fiber sensor with spectral conversion of ... [J. Opt. Technol. 87, 127-131 (2020)]
Application of fiber optic light guides with quartz core and cladding and plastic coating as indicators of the emergence of cracks in brickwork
A.HurtadodeMendoza-Lopez; S.Khotiaintsev; S.Khotiaintsev; H.J.Guzman-Olguin; D.A.HernandezReyes; J.A.Lopez-Mancera; M.A.Zuñiga-Bravo;
Keywords:Fiber optic sensors;Metrological instrumentation;Multimode fibers;Refractive index;Silica;Waveguides;
Abstracts:Fiber optic light guides can be used as indicators (witness devices) of the emergence of cracks in masonry composed of construction-grade ... [J. Opt. Technol. 87, 132-136 (2020)]
Optical coherence tomography angiography in the diagnosis of ophthalmologic diseases: problems and prospects (Review)
V.A.Serebryakov; V.A.Serebryakov; E.V.Boiko; E.V.Boiko; M.V.Gatsu; M.V.Gatsu; A.S.Izmailov; A.S.Izmailov; N.A.Kalintseva; M.V.Melikhova; G.V.Papayan; G.V.Papayan;
Keywords:Angiography;In vivo imaging;Optical coherence tomography;Optical computed tomography;Optical Doppler tomography;Three dimensional imaging;
Abstracts:Optical coherence tomography angiography, which is based on optical coherence tomography, is a diagnostic technology that makes it possible ... [J. Opt. Technol. 87, 67-93 (2020)]
Statistical analysis of the data of highly sensitive laser polarization-optical probing of magnetic nanofluids
Ya.A.Fofanov; V.V.Manoĭlov; V.V.Manoĭlov; I.V.Zarutskiĭ; A.S.Kuraptsev;
Keywords:Algorithms;Analytical techniques;Continuous variables;Magnetic fields;Modulation;Polarization;
Abstracts:Data processing algorithms related to the highly sensitive laser probing of magnetic nanofluids over a wide range of concentrations were ... [J. Opt. Technol. 87, 94-99 (2020)]
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