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IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

Archives Papers: 886
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Cone-Traced Supersampling With Subpixel Edge Reconstruction
Andrei ChubarauYangyang ZhaoRuby RaoDerek NowrouzezahraiPaul G. Kry
Keywords:Rendering (computer graphics)Image edge detectionShapeImage reconstructionReal-time systemsImage qualityGeometryComputational Cost3D MeshCombined SolutionObject ContourSigned Distance FunctionStep SizeImage QualityEntry PointNormal VectorVisual QualityComputational OverheadSurface CurvatureBoundary SurfaceSearch DirectionLarge MemoryMasked ImagesLocal GeometryExit PointVisible SurfaceHard HitInternal EdgesExternal EdgeSurface NormalsPerspective CameraBit-shiftSide EdgesAsymptotic ExpansionPoints In SpaceFinal ColorSigned distance fieldscone tracingantialiasingrenderingcomputer graphics
Abstracts:While signed distance fields (SDFs) in theory offer infinite level of detail, they are typically rendered using the sphere tracing algorithm at finite resolutions, which causes the common rasterized image synthesis problem of aliasing. Most existing optimized antialiasing solutions rely on polygon mesh representations; SDF-based geometry can only be directly antialiased with the computationally expensive supersampling or with post-processing filters that may produce undesirable blurriness and ghosting. In this work, we present cone-traced supersampling (CTSS), an efficient and robust spatial antialiasing solution that naturally complements the sphere tracing algorithm, does not require casting additional rays per pixel or offline pre-filtering, and can be easily implemented in existing real-time SDF renderers. CTSS performs supersampling along the traced ray near surfaces with partial visibility – object contours – identified by evaluating cone intersections within a pixel's view frustum. We further introduce subpixel edge reconstruction (SER), a technique that extends CTSS to locate and resolve complex pixels with geometric edges in relatively flat regions, which are otherwise undetected by cone intersections. Our combined solution relies on a specialized sampling strategy to minimize the number of shading computations and correlates sample visibility to aggregate the samples. With comparable antialiasing quality at significantly lower computational cost, CTSS is a reliable practical alternative to conventional supersampling.
Submerse: Visualizing Storm Surge Flooding Simulations in Immersive Display Ecologies
Saeed BoorboorYoonsang KimPing HuJosef M. MosesBrian A. ColleArie E. Kaufman
Keywords:FloodsData visualizationThree-dimensional displaysCamerasRendering (computer graphics)Data modelsSolid modelingStorm SurgeFlood SimulationStorm Surge FloodingTerrainSimulated DataDisaster ManagementDomain Experts3D MeshObjects In The SceneAtmospheric SciencesQuadtreeImmersive SystemCamera ViewpointAdaptive GridInteractiveNavigationVisual SystemDigital Elevation ModelPhysical World3D VisualizationNew York CityCybersicknessFlood LevelCamera ViewHead-mounted DisplayBezier CurveVirtual Reality HeadsetVirtual ObjectsNational Weather ServiceYaw AngleCamera navigationflooding simulationimmersive visualizationmixed reality
Abstracts:We present Submerse, an end-to-end framework for visualizing flooding scenarios on large and immersive display ecologies. Specifically, we reconstruct a surface mesh from input flood simulation data and generate a to-scale 3D virtual scene by incorporating geographical data such as terrain, textures, buildings, and additional scene objects. To optimize computation and memory performance for large simulation datasets, we discretize the data on an adaptive grid using dynamic quadtrees and support level-of-detail based rendering. Moreover, to provide a perception of flooding direction for a time instance, we animate the surface mesh by synthesizing water waves. As interaction is key for effective decision-making and analysis, we introduce two novel techniques for flood visualization in immersive systems: (1) an automatic scene-navigation method using optimal camera viewpoints generated for marked points-of-interest based on the display layout, and (2) an AR-based focus+context technique using an aux display system. Submerse is developed in collaboration between computer scientists and atmospheric scientists. We evaluate the effectiveness of our system and application by conducting workshops with emergency managers, domain experts, and concerned stakeholders in the Stony Brook Reality Deck, an immersive gigapixel facility, to visualize a superstorm flooding scenario in New York City.
CRefNet: Learning Consistent Reflectance Estimation With a Decoder-Sharing Transformer
Jundan LuoNanxuan ZhaoWenbin LiChristian Richardt
Keywords:ReflectivityTransformersEstimationImage reconstructionTask analysisImage decompositionDecodingDeep Neural NetworkImage FeaturesInference TimeAuxiliary TaskGlobal ConsistencyTransformation ModuleBenchmarkConvolutional NetworkInput ImageReal-world DataReceptive FieldTrainable ParametersLatent SpaceSemantic SegmentationReal-world DatasetsVariation In EfficiencyDepth EstimationReflection IntensityGPU MemoryConvolutional EncoderL2 LossSuccessive BlocksImage EncoderJoint LearningBranch NetworkVisual ComparisonTraining DataSkip ConnectionsMean Square ErrorIntrinsic image decompositionmulti-task learningrectified gradient filterreflectance consistencyself-supervised learning
Abstracts:We present CRefNet, a hybrid transformer-convolutional deep neural network for consistent reflectance estimation in intrinsic image decomposition. Estimating consistent reflectance is particularly challenging when the same material appears differently due to changes in illumination. Our method achieves enhanced global reflectance consistency via a novel transformer module that converts image features to reflectance features. At the same time, this module also exploits long-range data interactions. We introduce reflectance reconstruction as a novel auxiliary task that shares a common decoder with the reflectance estimation task, and which substantially improves the quality of reconstructed reflectance maps. Finally, we improve local reflectance consistency via a new rectified gradient filter that effectively suppresses small variations in predictions without any overhead at inference time. Our experiments show that our contributions enable CRefNet to predict highly consistent reflectance maps and to outperform the state of the art by 10% WHDR.
Exploring Mid-Air Hand Interaction in Data Visualization
Zona KosticCatherine DumasSarah PrattJohanna Beyer
Keywords:Data visualizationVisualizationSpace explorationInstrumentsVocabularyFacesThree-dimensional displaysData VisualizationUser StudyDesign SpaceMental ModelsInteraction SpaceHand Gestures3D InteractionsVisual RepresentationMode Of InteractionHand MovementsBar ChartsErgonomicPie ChartAgreement RatePhysical AssociationHand PositionDirect TranslationPhysical ActionsUsage IntentionImmersive EnvironmentGesture TypesParallel InputVirtual HandVisual EncodingParticipant CommentsLeap MotionGesture ClassificationPrior ExperienceWhite SpaceInteraction DesignMid-air hand gesturestouchless interactionembedded interactiondesign spaceelicitation studyuser studyexpert studydata visualizationHumansComputer GraphicsGesturesHandData VisualizationMaleUser-Computer InterfaceAdultFemaleYoung AdultImaging, Three-Dimensional
Abstracts:Interacting with data visualizations without an instrument or touch surface is typically characterized by the use of mid-air hand gestures. While mid-air expressions can be quite intuitive for interacting with digital content at a distance, they frequently lack precision and necessitate a different way of expressing users’ data-related intentions. In this work, we aim to identify new designs for mid-air hand gesture manipulations that can facilitate instrument-free, touch-free, and embedded interactions with visualizations, while utilizing the three-dimensional (3D) interaction space that mid-air gestures afford. We explore mid-air hand gestures for data visualization by searching for natural means to interact with content. We employ three studies—an Elicitation Study, a User Study, and an Expert Study, to provide insight into the users’ mental models, explore the design space, and suggest considerations for future mid-air hand gesture design. In addition to forming strong associations with physical manipulations, we discovered that mid-air hand gestures can: promote space-multiplexed interaction, which allows for a greater degree of expression; play a functional role in visual cognition and comprehension; and enhance creativity and engagement. We further highlight the challenges that designers in this field may face to help set the stage for developing effective gestures for a wide range of touchless interactions with visualizations.
Improving Depth Perception in Immersive Media Devices by Addressing Vergence-Accommodation Conflict
Razeen HussainManuela ChessaFabio Solari
Keywords:MediaVisualizationConvergenceThree-dimensional displaysRendering (computer graphics)LensesDeconvolutionDepth PerceptionImmersion MediumVergence-accommodation ConflictImprove Depth PerceptionVirtuallyVisual StimuliUser StudyObject DistanceUser PerformanceSpatial AwarenessHorizontal PlaneFocal PlanePart Of The ImagePoint Spread FunctionVertical PlaneHuman Visual SystemHead-mounted DisplayDepth LevelVirtual ObjectsFourier DomainWiener FilterDepth PlanesFilter KernelDeblurringIndex Finger Of The Right HandStereoscopic ImagesInverse Discrete Fourier TransformCorrective LensesTuning ProcessInterpupillary DistanceDepth perceptiondepth-of-fieldimmersive mediainverse blurringreaching taskspace-variant techniquevergence-accommodation conflictvirtual realitywiener deconvolutionHumansDepth PerceptionVirtual RealityAdultMaleComputer GraphicsFemaleYoung AdultAccommodation, OcularConvergence, OcularImage Processing, Computer-Assisted
Abstracts:Recently, immersive media devices have seen a boost in popularity. However, many problems still remain. Depth perception is a crucial part of how humans behave and interact with their environment. Convergence and accommodation are two physiological mechanisms that provide important depth cues. However, when humans are immersed in virtual environments, they experience a mismatch between these cues. This mismatch causes users to feel discomfort while also hindering their ability to fully perceive object distances. To address the conflict, we have developed a technique that encompasses inverse blurring into immersive media devices. For the inverse blurring, we utilize the classical Wiener deconvolution approach by proposing a novel technique that is applied without the need for an eye-tracker and implemented in a commercial immersive media device. The technique's ability to compensate for the vergence-accommodation conflict was verified through two user studies aimed at reaching and spatial awareness, respectively. The two studies yielded a statistically significant 36% and 48% error reduction in user performance to estimate distances, respectively. Overall, the work done demonstrates how visual stimuli can be modified to allow users to achieve a more natural perception and interaction with the virtual environment.
QuantumEyes: Towards Better Interpretability of Quantum Circuits
Shaolun RuanQiang GuanPaul GriffinYing MaoYong Wang
Keywords:Quantum computingVisualizationQuantum circuitQuantum stateLogic gatesQubitQuantum algorithmQuantum CircuitInteractiveChanges In ConditionsVisual SystemDomain ExpertsQuantum StateQuantum ComputingState EvolutionExpert InterviewsDandelionTransition AmplitudeQubit StateQuantum GatesQuantum AlgorithmsMultiple ConditionsGlobal AnalysisBasic ConditionsHuman-computer InteractionAmplitude Of StateBloch SphereCircle AreaVisual DesignGate OpeningVisual ClutterQuantum Error CorrectionDesign RequirementsVisual ApproachChange In ProbabilityData visualizationinterpretabilityquantum circuitsquantum computing
Abstracts:Quantum computing offers significant speedup compared to classical computing, which has led to a growing interest among users in learning and applying quantum computing across various applications. However, quantum circuits, which are fundamental for implementing quantum algorithms, can be challenging for users to understand due to their underlying logic, such as the temporal evolution of quantum states and the effect of quantum amplitudes on the probability of basis quantum states. To fill this research gap, we propose QuantumEyes, an interactive visual analytics system to enhance the interpretability of quantum circuits through both global and local levels. For the global-level analysis, we present three coupled visualizations to delineate the changes of quantum states and the underlying reasons: a Probability Summary View to overview the probability evolution of quantum states; a State Evolution View to enable an in-depth analysis of the influence of quantum gates on the quantum states; a Gate Explanation View to show the individual qubit states and facilitate a better understanding of the effect of quantum gates. For the local-level analysis, we design a novel geometrical visualization dandelion chart to explicitly reveal how the quantum amplitudes affect the probability of the quantum state. We thoroughly evaluated QuantumEyes as well as the novel dandelion chart integrated into it through two case studies on different types of quantum algorithms and in-depth expert interviews with 12 domain experts. The results demonstrate the effectiveness and usability of our approach in enhancing the interpretability of quantum circuits.
Painterly Style Transfer With Learned Brush Strokes
Xiao-Chang LiuYu-Chen WuPeter Hall
Keywords:PaintingSemanticsRendering (computer graphics)ArtShapePaintsElectronic mailStyle TransferBrush StrokesSemantic ContentComputer VisionSemantic InformationStochastic Gradient DescentLayeringArc LengthLine DrawingsLoss TermRow Of FigMaximum CurvaturePlacement StrategySaliency MapGram MatrixQuadratic CurveStyle ImageBezier CurveSubsequent StrokeSetting Of StrokeNon-photorealistic renderingstyle transfer
Abstracts:Real-world paintings are made, by artists, using brush strokes as the rendering primitive to depict semantic content. The bulk of the Neural Style Transfer (NST) is known transferring style using texture patches, not strokes. The output looks like the content image, but some are traced over using the style texture: it does not look painterly. We adopt a very different approach that uses strokes. Our contribution is to analyse paintings to learn stroke families—that is, distributions of strokes based on their shape (a dot, straight lines, curved arcs, etc.). When synthesising a new output, these distributions are sampled to ensure the output is painted with the correct style of stroke. Consequently, our output looks more “painterly” than NST output based on texture. Furthermore, where strokes are placed is an important contributing factor in determining output quality, and we have also addressed this aspect. Humans place strokes to emphasize salient semantically meaningful image content. Conventional NST uses a content loss premised on filter responses that is agnostic to salience. We show that replacing that loss with one based on the language-image model benefits the output through greater emphasis of salient content.
PointSee: Image Enhances Point Cloud
Lipeng GuXuefeng YanPeng CuiLina GongHaoran XieFu Lee WangJing QinMingqiang Wei
Keywords:Point cloud compressionFeature extractionThree-dimensional displaysSemanticsProposalsData augmentationObject detectionPoint CloudFeature RepresentationObject DetectionTraining StrategySemantic FeaturesScene Images3D Object DetectionData AugmentationWeight DecayBounding BoxTraining StageObject Of InterestProcessing PipelineRow Of TableRecall RateRow Of FigFaster R-CNNRegion ProposalRGB CameraBackground Points3D DetectionKITTI Dataset3D Bounding Box3rd RowPoint Cloud FeaturesFrustumComplex Data ProcessingFusion MethodFeature Fusion ModuleFeature Branch3D object detectionfeature enhancementmulti-modal fusionPointSee
Abstracts:There is a prevailing trend towards fusing multi-modal information for 3D object detection (3OD). However, challenges related to computational efficiency, plug-and-play capabilities, and accurate feature alignment have not been adequately addressed in the design of multi-modal fusion networks. In this paper, we present PointSee, a lightweight, flexible, and effective multi-modal fusion solution to facilitate various 3OD networks by semantic feature enhancement of point clouds (e.g., LiDAR or RGB-D data) assembled with scene images. Beyond the existing wisdom of 3OD, PointSee consists of a hidden module (HM) and a seen module (SM): HM decorates point clouds using 2D image information in an offline fusion manner, leading to minimal or even no adaptations of existing 3OD networks; SM further enriches the point clouds by acquiring point-wise representative semantic features, leading to enhanced performance of existing 3OD networks. Besides the new architecture of PointSee, we propose a simple yet efficient training strategy, to ease the potential inaccurate regressions of 2D object detection networks. Extensive experiments on the popular outdoor/indoor benchmarks show quantitative and qualitative improvements of our PointSee over thirty-five state-of-the-art methods.
SenseMap: Urban Performance Visualization and Analytics Via Semantic Textual Similarity
Juntong ChenQiaoyun HuangChangbo WangChenhui Li
Keywords:SemanticsData visualizationVisual analyticsUrban areasTrajectoryKernelPollution measurementSemantic Textual SimilarityHealth-related Quality Of LifePerformance MeasuresVisual SystemReference DataUser StudyDensity MapSemantic SimilarityUrban FunctionsSemantic MapUsage ScenariosPoint Of Interest DataSubjectivitySimilarity ScoreSemantic InformationSubjective PerceptionRoad NetworkUrban RegionsUrban StudiesHouse PricesEconomic VitalityKernel BandwidthUrban DataSemantic Similarity MeasuresMap ViewStreet View ImagesTraffic DataMulti-source DataKernel WeightSentence EmbeddingDensity mappoint of interestsemantic textual similarityurban datavisual analyticsvisualization design
Abstracts:As urban populations grow, effectively accessing urban performance measures such as livability and comfort becomes increasingly important due to their significant socioeconomic impacts. While Point of Interest (POI) data has been utilized for various applications in location-based services, its potential for urban performance analytics remains unexplored. In this article, we present SenseMap, a novel approach for analyzing urban performance by leveraging POI data as a semantic representation of urban functions. We quantify the contribution of POIs to different urban performance measures by calculating semantic textual similarities on our constructed corpus. We propose Semantic-adaptive Kernel Density Estimation which takes into account POIs’ influential areas across different Traffic Analysis Zones and semantic contributions to generate semantic density maps for measures. We design and implement a feature-rich, real-time visual analytics system for users to explore the urban performance of their surroundings. Evaluations with human judgment and reference data demonstrate the feasibility and validity of our method. Usage scenarios and user studies demonstrate the capability, usability and explainability of our system.
On a Structural Similarity Index Approach for Floating-Point Data
Allison H. BakerAlexander PinardDorit M. Hammerling
Keywords:Image codingMeteorologyLoss measurementData modelsIndexesData visualizationCostsStructural Similarity IndexFloating-point DataComputational CostSimulated DataVolume Of DataOutput DataClimate ModelsReference ImageGeneral Circulation ModelsLarge Volumes Of DataStructural Similarity Index MeasureLossy CompressionSource CodeGrid PointsClimate DataImage GenerationQuality MetricsVisual QualityColor MapPeak Signal-to-noise RatioFloating-point ValuesPrecipitation RateDifference ImageLossless CompressionCenter Of WindowCut-off ThresholdCompression QualityVisual SimilarityDivision By ZeroClassification MatrixClimate simulation datacompressionfloating-point datastructural similarity index
Abstracts:Data visualization is typically a critical component of post-processing analysis workflows for floating-point output data from large simulation codes, such as global climate models. For example, images are often created from the raw data as a means for evaluation against a reference dataset or image. While the popular Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) is a useful tool for such image comparisons, generating large numbers of images can be costly when simulation data volumes are substantial. In fact, computational cost considerations motivated our development of an alternative to the SSIM, which we refer to as the Data SSIM (DSSIM). The DSSIM is conceptually similar to the SSIM, but can be applied directly to the floating-point data as a means of assessing data quality. We present the DSSIM in the context of quantifying differences due to lossy compression on large volumes of simulation data from a popular climate model. Bypassing image creation results in a sizeable performance gain for this case study. In addition, we show that the DSSIM is useful in terms of avoiding plot-specific (but data-independent) choices that can affect the SSIM. While our work is motivated by and evaluated with climate model output data, the DSSIM may prove useful for other applications involving large volumes of simulation data.
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