European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry | Vol.2018, Issue.2018 | | Pages
NHC·Alane Adducts as Hydride Sources in the Hydrodefluorination of Fluoroaromatics and Fluoroolefins
We present herein the utilization of NHC‐stabilized alane adducts of the type (NHC)·AlH3 [NHC = Me2Im (1), Me2ImMe (2), iPr2Im (3), iPr2ImMe (4), Dipp2Im (5)] and (NHC)·AliBu2H [NHC = iPr2Im (6), Dipp2Im (7)] as novel hydride transfer reagents in the hydrodefluorination (HDF) of different fluoroaromatics and hexafluoropropene. Depending on the alane adduct used, HDF of pentafluoropyridine to 2,3,5,6‐tetrafluoropyridine in yields of 15–99 % was observed. The adducts 1, 2, and 5 achieved a quantitative conversion into 2,3,5,6‐tetrafluoropyridine at room temperature immediately after mixing the reactants. Studies on the HDF of fluorobenzenes with the (NHC)·AlH3 adducts 1, 3, and 5 and (Dipp2Im)·AliBu2H (7) showed the decisive influence of the reaction temperature on the H/F exchange and that 135 °C in xylene afforded the best product distribution. Although the HDF of hexafluorobenzene yielded 1,2,4,5‐tetrafluorobenzene in moderate yields with traces of 1,2,3,4‐tetrafluorobenzene and 1,2,4‐trifluorobenzene, pentafluorobenzene was converted quantitatively into 1,2,4,5‐tetrafluorobenzene, with (Dipp2Im)·AliBu2H (7) showing the highest activity and reaching complete conversion after 12 h at 135 °C in xylene. The HDF of hexafluoropropene with (Me2Im)·AlH3 (1) occurred even at low temperatures and preferably at the CF2 group with the formation of 1,2,3,3,3‐pentafluoropropene (with 0.4 equiv. of 1) or 2,3,3,3‐tetra‐fluoropropene (with 0.9 equiv. of 1) as the main product.
Original Text (This is the original text for your reference.)
NHC·Alane Adducts as Hydride Sources in the Hydrodefluorination of Fluoroaromatics and Fluoroolefins
We present herein the utilization of NHC‐stabilized alane adducts of the type (NHC)·AlH3 [NHC = Me2Im (1), Me2ImMe (2), iPr2Im (3), iPr2ImMe (4), Dipp2Im (5)] and (NHC)·AliBu2H [NHC = iPr2Im (6), Dipp2Im (7)] as novel hydride transfer reagents in the hydrodefluorination (HDF) of different fluoroaromatics and hexafluoropropene. Depending on the alane adduct used, HDF of pentafluoropyridine to 2,3,5,6‐tetrafluoropyridine in yields of 15–99 % was observed. The adducts 1, 2, and 5 achieved a quantitative conversion into 2,3,5,6‐tetrafluoropyridine at room temperature immediately after mixing the reactants. Studies on the HDF of fluorobenzenes with the (NHC)·AlH3 adducts 1, 3, and 5 and (Dipp2Im)·AliBu2H (7) showed the decisive influence of the reaction temperature on the H/F exchange and that 135 °C in xylene afforded the best product distribution. Although the HDF of hexafluorobenzene yielded 1,2,4,5‐tetrafluorobenzene in moderate yields with traces of 1,2,3,4‐tetrafluorobenzene and 1,2,4‐trifluorobenzene, pentafluorobenzene was converted quantitatively into 1,2,4,5‐tetrafluorobenzene, with (Dipp2Im)·AliBu2H (7) showing the highest activity and reaching complete conversion after 12 h at 135 °C in xylene. The HDF of hexafluoropropene with (Me2Im)·AlH3 (1) occurred even at low temperatures and preferably at the CF2 group with the formation of 1,2,3,3,3‐pentafluoropropene (with 0.4 equiv. of 1) or 2,3,3,3‐tetra‐fluoropropene (with 0.9 equiv. of 1) as the main product.
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