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Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering | Vol., Issue. | 2020-05-19 | Pages 1-9

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering

Multiple damage detection in complex bridges based on strain energy extracted from single point measurement

Hamid Reza Ahmadi   Alireza Arabha Najafabadi   Farhad Daneshjoo  

Strain Energy of the structure can be changed with the damage at the damage location. The accurate detection of the damage location using this index in a f

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Multiple damage detection in complex bridges based on strain energy extracted from single point measurement

Strain Energy of the structure can be changed with the damage at the damage location. The accurate detection of the damage location using this index in a f


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Hamid Reza Ahmadi,Alireza Arabha Najafabadi,Farhad Daneshjoo,.Multiple damage detection in complex bridges based on strain energy extracted from single point measurement. (),1-9.


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