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Angewandte Chemie International Edition | Vol., Issue. | 2020-05-13 | Pages

Angewandte Chemie International Edition

N‐Trifluoromethyl Hydrazines, Indoles and Their Derivatives

Thomas Scattolin   Franziska Schoenebeck   Samir Bouayad‐Gervais  

Reported herein is the first efficient strategy to synthesize a broad range of unsymmetrical N‐CF3 hydrazines, which served as platform to unlock numerous currently inaccessible derivatives, such as tri‐ and tetra‐substituted N‐CF3 hydrazines, hydrazones, sulfonyl hydrazines, and valuable N‐CF3 indoles. These compounds proved to be remarkably robust, being compatible with acids, bases, and a wide range of synthetic manipulations. The feasibility of RN(CF3)‐NH2 to function as a directing group in C−H functionalization is also showcased.

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N‐Trifluoromethyl Hydrazines, Indoles and Their Derivatives

Reported herein is the first efficient strategy to synthesize a broad range of unsymmetrical N‐CF3 hydrazines, which served as platform to unlock numerous currently inaccessible derivatives, such as tri‐ and tetra‐substituted N‐CF3 hydrazines, hydrazones, sulfonyl hydrazines, and valuable N‐CF3 indoles. These compounds proved to be remarkably robust, being compatible with acids, bases, and a wide range of synthetic manipulations. The feasibility of RN(CF3)‐NH2 to function as a directing group in C−H functionalization is also showcased.


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Thomas Scattolin, Franziska Schoenebeck,Samir Bouayad‐Gervais,.N‐Trifluoromethyl Hydrazines, Indoles and Their Derivatives. (),.


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