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In Appreciation of AGU’s Outstanding Reviewers of 2019

Geology & Geophysics AGU News

In Appreciation of AGU’s Outstanding Reviewers of 2019

AGU editors recognize the contributions of reviewers, whose valuable expertise continues to raise our journals’ high standards.


Today in Eos, AGU Publications again recognizes a number of outstanding reviewers for their work in 2019, as selected by the editors of each journal.

Peer review is central to communicating and advancing science. Although there have never been more ways to distribute ideas and research outputs online, a robust peer review ensures that we maintain the highest integrity in our scientific discourse. The peer review process is organized by our journal editors, but every article decision relies on individuals who take time out from their own research to volunteer their expertise. The work of these reviewers ensures proper evaluation of thousands of articles each year. We are truly thankful for their efforts.

As the uses for scientific literature have grown, so has the complexity of papers, which now typically include more authors bringing more techniques, data, simulations, and results. This increase in complexity, in turn, has increased the challenge and role of reviewing. The outstanding reviewers listed here have all provided in-depth evaluations, often over more than one round of revision, that greatly improved the final published papers. Their contributions have helped to raise the quality of submissions received from around the world, providing valuable feedback that elevates the prominence of our journals to the high standards that align with AGU tradition.

Many Reviewers: A Key Part of AGU Journals

Although we note these few outstanding reviewers here, we also acknowledge the broad efforts by all AGU reviewers in helping ensure the quality, timeliness, and reputation of AGU journals. In 2019, AGU received over 16,700 submissions, up from the 15,600 submissions received in 2018, and published over 7,000, up from 6,600 articles in 2018. Many of these submissions were reviewed multiple times—in all, 18,173 reviewers completed 39,368 reviews in 2019 compared to the 37,674 reviews completed in 2018.

This increase has happened in the past year while each AGU journal worked to shorten the time from submission to first decision and publication or maintained already industry-leading standards. Several AGU journals regularly return first decisions within 1 month of submission, and most others do so now within 2 months. Reviewers represent a key part of this improvement. We look back at 2019 here, but we have already seen that in 2020, during the pandemic and unrest, members of our amazing community have continued to accept invitations to peer review article submissions.

Editorials in each journal (some already published, some upcoming) express our appreciation along with recognition lists. Our thanks are a small recognition of the large responsibility that reviewers bear in improving our science and its role in society.

Additional Thanks

In addition, we are working to highlight the valuable role of reviewers through events (though they may be virtual) at the Fall Meeting and other meetings.

Each reviewer also receives a discount on AGU and Wiley books. We will continue to work with the Open Researcher and Contributor Identification network (ORCID) to provide official recognition of reviewers’ efforts, so that reviewers receive formal credit there. As of 5 May we have over 59,962 ORCIDs linked to GEMS user accounts, compared to 49,000 as this time last year.

Getting Your Feedback

We are working to improve the peer review process itself, using new online tools. We conducted a full survey earlier in 2020, and we continue to provide a short questionnaire for feedback after each review is completed.

We value your feedback, including ideas about how we can recognize your efforts even more, help improve your experience, and increase your input on the science.

We look forward to hearing from you. If you’d like to respond directly, feel free to take our survey.

Once again: Thanks!

—Matt Giampoala ([email protected]), Vice President, Science, AGU; and Carol Frost, Chair, AGU Publications Committee



Kelly Aho





Kelly Aho
Yale University
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences


Hoori Ajami





Hoori Ajami
University of California Riverside
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Ruzbeh Akbar





Ruzbeh Akbar
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Valeriy Ivanov
Geophysical Research Letters


A. Addison Alford





A. Addison Alford
University of Oklahoma
Earth’s Future editors
Earth’s Future


Subramaniam Ananthakrishnan





Subramaniam Ananthakrishnan
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Sana Salous
Radio Science


Leif G. Anderson





Leif G. Anderson
University of Gothenburg
Peter Brewer
JGR: Oceans


Martin Archer





Martin Archer
Queen Mary University of London
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Sylvain Barbot





Sylvain Barbot
University of Southern California
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


William Barnhart




William Barnhart
University of Iowa
Gavin P. Hayes
Geophysical Research Letters


Flavien Beaud




Flavien Beaud
University of British Columbia; previously at California Institute of Technology
Harihar Rajaram
Geophysical Research Letters


Matthew W. Becker





Matthew W. Becker
California State University Long Beach
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Larry K. Berg





Larry K. Berg
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Minghua Zhang
JGR: Atmospheres


Wouter R. Berghuijs





Wouter R. Berghuijs
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Gilles Billen





Gilles Billen
Centre National de la recherche Scientifique
Global Biogeochemical Cycles editors
Global Biogeochemical Cycles


Joachim Birn





Joachim Birn
Space Science Institute
Astrid Maute
Earth and Space Science


Russell Blackport




Russell Blackport
Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Environment and Climate Change
Gudrun Magnusdottir and Chris Patricola
Geophysical Research Letters


David Bromwich





David Bromwich
Ohio State University
Ruby Leung
JGR: Atmospheres


Stephen J. Burges





Stephen J. Burges
University of Washington
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Susannah Burrows





Susannah Burrows
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Joel Thornton
Geophysical Research Letters


Tim Canty





Tim Canty
University of Maryland, College Park
James Crawford
JGR: Atmospheres


Vachel Carter





Vachel Carter
Charles University
Valerie Trouet
Geophysical Research Letters


Valerie Cayol





Valerie Cayol
Université Clermont Auvergne
Rebecca Carey
Geophysical Research Letters


Stephanie Contardo




Stephanie Contardo
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Ryan Mulligan
JGR: Oceans


Jessie Creamean





Jessie Creamean
Colorado State University
Lynn Russell
JGR: Atmospheres


Jessica N. Cross




Jessica N. Cross
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Harihar Rajaram
Geophysical Research Letters


Kyla M. Dahlin





Kyla M. Dahlin
Michigan State University
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences


Stephen S.E. Darby





Stephen S.E. Darby
University of Southampton
JGR: Earth Surface editors
JGR: Earth Surface


Andrew Delman





Andrew Delman
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Janet Sprintall
Geophysical Research Letters


Kristine DeLong





Kristine DeLong
Louisiana State University, Coastal Studies Institute
Valerie Trouet
Geophysical Research Letters


Tonya DelSontro





Tonya DelSontro
University of Waterloo
Rose M. Cory
Geophysical Research Letters


Charlotte A. DeMott





Charlotte A. DeMott
Colorado State University
Chidong Zhang
JGR: Atmospheres


Simone Di Matteo




Simone Di Matteo
The Catholic University of America and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Astrid Maute
Earth and Space Science



Andrew P. Dimmock





Andrew P. Dimmock
Swedish Institute of Space Physics
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Stepan Dubyagin





Stepan Dubyagin
Finnish Meteorological Society
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Susana Enríquez





Susana Enríquez
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences


Stefan Eriksson




Stefan Eriksson
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
University of Colorado at Boulder
Andrew Yau
Geophysical Research Letters


Laura Ermert





Laura Ermert
Harvard University
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Robyn Fiori





Robyn Fiori
Natural Resources Canada
Space Weather editors
Space Weather


André Bustorff Fortunato





André Bustorff Fortunato
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
Andrea Donnellan
Earth and Space Science


Matthew Fox





Matthew Fox
University College London
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems editors
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


Amanda Frossard





Amanda Frossard
University of Georgia
Lynn Russell
JGR: Atmospheres


Bea Galladro-Lacourt




Bea Galladro-Lacourt
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/Universities Space Research Association
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics



Juan Pascual García





Juan Pascual García
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Sana Salous
Radio Science


Christoph Geiss





Christoph Geiss
Trinity College
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems editors
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


Cynthia Gerlein-Safdi





Cynthia Gerlein-Safdi
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Earth’s Future editors
Earth’s Future


Jie Gong




Jie Gong
Universities Space Research Association/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Hui Su
Geophysical Research Letters


Sander Goossens



Sander Goossens
Center for Space Sciences and Technology, University of Maryland; and Planetary Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
JGR: Planets editors
JGR: Planets


Julia Green





Julia Green
Le Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement
Alessandra Giannini
Geophysical Research Letters


Rebecca Greenberger





Rebecca Greenberger
California Institute of Technology
JGR: Planets editors
JGR: Planets


Jennifer Griswold





Jennifer Griswold
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Lynn Russell
JGR: Atmospheres


Nicolas Gruber





Nicolas Gruber
ETH Zürich
Global Biogeochemical Cycles editors
Global Biogeochemical Cycles


Bin Guan





Bin Guan
University of California, Los Angeles
Ruby Leung
JGR: Atmospheres


Hoshin Vijai Gupta





Hoshin Vijai Gupta
The University of Arizona
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Jasper Halekas





Jasper Halekas
The University of Iowa
Andrew Dombard
Geophysical Research Letters


Heather Handley





Heather Handley
Macquarie University
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems editors
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


Yuki Harada





Yuki Harada
Kyoto University
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Adrian Adam Harpold





Adrian Adam Harpold
University of Nevada, Reno
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Tore Hattermann





Tore Hattermann
Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, and University of Tromsø
Laurie Padman
JGR: Oceans


Liming He




Liming He
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Natural Resources Canada
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences


Carole Helfter





Carole Helfter
UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Fabio Florindo
Reviews of Geophysics


Jennifer Hertzberg





Jennifer Hertzberg
Old Dominion University
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology editors
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology


Peter Hitchcock





Peter Hitchcock
Cornell University
Bill Randel
JGR: Atmospheres


Forrest Hoffman





Forrest Hoffman
Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University of Tennessee
Rose M. Cory
Geophysical Research Letters


Ricardo Hueso Alonso





Ricardo Hueso Alonso
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
JGR: Planets editors
JGR: Planets


Kenneth Hughes





Kenneth Hughes
Oregon State University
Laurie Padman
JGR: Oceans


Adele L. Igel





Adele L. Igel
University of California, Davis
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems editors
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES)


Rachael James





Rachael James
University of Southampton
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems editors
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


Anna Karion





Anna Karion
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Fabio Florindo
Reviews of Geophysics


Joseph R. Kasprzyk





Joseph R. Kasprzyk
University of Colorado Boulder
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Laura Kerber





Laura Kerber
Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology
Andrew Dombard
Geophysical Research Letters


Jessica Keune





Jessica Keune
Ghent University
Valeriy Ivanov
Geophysical Research Letters


Lawrence Kleinman





Lawrence Kleinman
Brookhaven National Laboratory
James Crawford
JGR: Atmospheres


Maria Klepikova





Maria Klepikova
University of Lausanne
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Harald Kucharek





Harald Kucharek
University of New Hampshire
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


James LaBelle





James LaBelle
Dartmouth College
Andrew Yau
Geophysical Research Letters


Simon Lamb





Simon Lamb
Victoria University of Wellington
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Felix W. Landerer





Felix W. Landerer
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology
Kathleen Donohue
Geophysical Research Letters


William K. M. Lau





William K. M. Lau
University of Maryland
Minghua Zhang
JGR: Atmospheres


Carl J. Legleiter




Carl J. Legleiter
U. S. Geological Survey, Integrated Modeling and Prediction Division
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research



Solène Lejosne





Solène Lejosne
University of California, Berkeley
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Ricardo Letelier





Ricardo Letelier
Oregon State University
Angelicque White
Geophysical Research Letters


Michelle L. L’Heureux




Michelle L. L’Heureux
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center
Suzana Camargo
Geophysical Research Letters



Laifang Li





Laifang Li
Pennsylvania State University
Kristopher Karnauskas
JGR: Oceans


Laifang Li





Lin Li
Rochester Institute of Technology
Tectonics editors


Justin J. Likar





Justin J. Likar
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Space Weather editors
Space Weather


Wuyin Lin




Wuyin Lin
Environmental and Climate Sciences Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Minghua Zhang
JGR: Atmospheres



Gregory A. Lyzenga





Gregory A. Lyzenga
Harvey Mudd College
Andrea Donnellan
Earth and Space Science


Douglas MacMartin





Douglas MacMartin
Cornell University
Earth’s Future editors
Earth’s Future


Elizabeth H. Madden





Elizabeth H. Madden
Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Penelope Maher





Penelope Maher
University of Exeter
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems editors
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES)


Odin Marc




Odin Marc
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Geosciences Environnement and Geological Institute, Department of Earth Science
JGR: Earth Surface editors
JGR: Earth Surface


Milena Marjanović





Milena Marjanović
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems editors
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


Massimo Mattei





Massimo Mattei
University of Roma TRE
Tectonics editors


Thorsten Mauritsen





Thorsten Mauritsen
Stockholm University
Hui Su
Geophysical Research Letters


Stefano Mazzoli





Stefano Mazzoli
University of Camerino
Tectonics editors


Jessica McBeck





Jessica McBeck
University of Oslo
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Gavin McNicol





Gavin McNicol
Stanford University
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences


Kathryn McWilliams





Kathryn McWilliams
University of Saskatchewan
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Florian Mekhaldi





Florian Mekhaldi
Lund University
Valerie Trouet
Geophysical Research Letters


Annette K. Miltenberger




Annette K. Miltenberger
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research



Kyungguk Min





Kyungguk Min
Chungnam National University
Gang Lu
Geophysical Research Letters


Kumar Vijay Mishra





Kumar Vijay Mishra
United States Army Research Laboratory
Sana Salous
Radio Science


Toru Miyama





Toru Miyama
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Leo Oey
JGR: Oceans


Guillaume Morard




Guillaume Morard
Institut des Sciences de la Terre, Université Grenoble Alpes, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Steve Jacobsen
Geophysical Research Letters



Didier Mourenas




Didier Mourenas
CEA France
Gang Lu and JGR: Space Physics editors
Geophysical Research Letters
JGR: Space Physics



Juan Muglia





Juan Muglia
Centro para el Estudio de los Sistemas Marinos
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology editors
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology


Catherine M. Naud



Catherine M. Naud
Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University and National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Suzana Camargo
Geophysical Research Letters


Roseanna M. Neupauer





Roseanna M. Neupauer
University of Colorado Boulder
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Kiwamu Nishida





Kiwamu Nishida
University of Tokyo
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Renee Obringer





Renee Obringer
Purdue University
Earth’s Future editors
Earth’s Future


Yuko M. Okumura





Yuko M. Okumura
The University of Texas at Austin
Chris Patricola
Geophysical Research Letters


Dani Or



Dani Or
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich and Desert Research Institute
Division of Hydrologic Sciences
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Devon A. Orme





Devon A. Orme
Montana State University
Tectonics editors


Scott L. Painter




Scott L. Painter
Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research



Jaime B. Palter





Jaime B. Palter
Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island
Global Biogeochemical Cycles editors
Global Biogeochemical Cycles


Adriana Paluszny





Adriana Paluszny
Imperial College
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Christopher Paola





Christopher Paola
University of Minnesota
JGR: Earth Surface editors
JGR: Earth Surface


Jay W. Parker





Jay W. Parker
Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology
Andrea Donnellan
Earth and Space Science


Claudia Pasquero




Claudia Pasquero
University of Milan and Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Italian National Research Council
Andy Hogg
Geophysical Research Letters



Lenard Pederick





Lenard Pederick
University of Adelaide
Sana Salous
Radio Science


Tim J. Peterson





Tim J. Peterson
Monash University
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Carole Petit




Carole Petit
Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, IRD, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur
Tectonics editors



Robert Porritt





Robert Porritt
University of Texas, Institute for Geophysics
Jeroen Ritsema
Geophysical Research Letters


Giovanni Porta





Giovanni Porta
Politecnico di Milano
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Adina Pusok




Adina Pusok
University of Oxford and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems editors
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems



Annie L. Putman





Annie L. Putman
US Geological Survey Utah
Harihar Rajaram
Geophysical Research Letters


Yun Qian





Yun Qian
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (DOE)
Zhanqing Li
JGR: Atmospheres


Qubin Qin





Qubin Qin
Virginia Institute of Marine Science William & Mary
Marjy Friedrichs
JGR: Oceans


Julianne D. Quinn





Julianne D. Quinn
University of Virginia
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Licia Ray





Licia Ray
Lancaster University
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Ann Marie Reinhold





Ann Marie Reinhold
Montana State University
Rose M. Cory
Geophysical Research Letters


Carl Renshaw





Carl Renshaw
Dartmouth College
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Camilo Rey-Sanchez





Camilo Rey-Sanchez
University of California, Berkeley
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences


Cesar B. Rocha





Cesar B. Rocha
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Andy Hogg
Geophysical Research Letters


Chris Rollins





Chris Rollins
University of Leeds
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Brian Rose





Brian Rose
University at Albany (State University of New York)
Alessandra Giannini
Geophysical Research Letters


Zachary Ross





Zachary Ross
California Institute of Technology
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Xiaozhou Ruan





Xiaozhou Ruan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Janet Sprintall
Geophysical Research Letters


Mojtaba Sadegh





Mojtaba Sadegh
Boise State University
Earth’s Future editors
Earth’s Future


Takuya Sagawa





Takuya Sagawa
Kanazawa University
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology editors
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology


Adam Scaife





Adam Scaife
Met Office Hadley Centre
Bill Randel
JGR: Atmospheres


Daniel N. Scott





Daniel N. Scott
University of Washington
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Matthew Siegfried





Matthew Siegfried
Colorado School of Mines
Harihar Rajaram
Geophysical Research Letters


Eric Small





Eric Small
University of Colorado Boulder
Valeriy Ivanov
Geophysical Research Letters


Aleksey Smirnov





Aleksey Smirnov
Michigan Technological University
Monika Korte
Geophysical Research Letters


Karen Smith





Karen Smith
University of Toronto Scarborough
Alessandra Giannini and Hui Su
Geophysical Research Letters


Robert Sohn





Robert Sohn
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Rebecca Carey
Geophysical Research Letters


Michael Spall





Michael Spall
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Leo Oey and Laurie Padman
JGR: Oceans


Paul W. Staten





Paul W. Staten
Indiana University Bloomington
Suzana Camargo
Geophysical Research Letters


Philip Stauffer




Philip Stauffer
Earth and Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Harihar Rajaram
Geophysical Research Letters



Scott Steinschneider





Scott Steinschneider
Cornell University
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Claudia Stolle




Claudia Stolle
GFZ Potsdam, German Research Center for Geosciences and University of Potsdam, Faculty of Science
Andrew Yau
Geophysical Research Letters



Zhan Su





Zhan Su
California Institute of Technology
Leo Oey and Lei Lou
JGR: Oceans


Zhenpeng Su





Zhenpeng Su
University of Science and Technology of China
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Tianhaozhe Sun





Tianhaozhe Sun
Pacific Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Nicoletta Tambroni





Nicoletta Tambroni
Università Di Genova
JGR: Earth Surface editors
JGR: Earth Surface





Silvia Trini Castelli
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima
James Crawford
JGR: Atmospheres



Daniel Trugman




Daniel Trugman
Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin
Gavin P. Hayes
Geophysical Research Letters



Luke D. Trusel





Luke D. Trusel
Pennsylvania State University
Mathieu Morlighem
Geophysical Research Letters


Natalie Umling





Natalie Umling
American Museum of Natural History
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology editors
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology


Ype van der Velde




Ype van der Velde
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Erik van Sebille





Erik van Sebille
Utrecht University
Marjy Friedrichs
JGR: Oceans


John T. van Stan





John T. van Stan
Georgia Southern University
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Fátima Viveiros





Fátima Viveiros
Universidade dos Açores
Gabriel Filippelli


Marissa Vogt





Marissa Vogt
Center for Space Physics, Boston University
Andrew Yau
Geophysical Research Letters


Fabian Wadsworth





Fabian Wadsworth
Durham University
Rebecca Carey
Geophysical Research Letters


Laura Wallace




Laura Wallace
GNS Science and The University of Texas Institute for Geophysics
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Baoshan Wang





Baoshan Wang
University of Science and Technology of China
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Nicholas Ward




Nicholas Ward
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Marine Sciences Laboratory and University of Washington, School of Oceanography
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences


Naomi Wells




Naomi Wells
Centre for Coastal Biogeochemistry, Southern Cross University
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences



Earle Williams





Earle Williams
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Minghua Zhang
JGR: Atmospheres


Mathew Williams




Mathew Williams
University of Edinburgh and National Centre for Earth Observation
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems editors
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES)



Phillip J. Wolfram




Phillip J. Wolfram
Fluid Dynamics and Solid Mechanics, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems editors
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES)



Teng-fong Wong





Teng-fong Wong
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Pei Xin





Pei Xin
Hohai University
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Shiqing Xu





Shiqing Xu
Southern University of Science and Technology
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Wenchang Yang





Wenchang Yang
Princeton University
Gudrun Magnusdottir
Geophysical Research Letters






Andrew Yool
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
Global Biogeochemical Cycles editors
Global Biogeochemical Cycles


Chunlüe Zhou





Chunlüe Zhou
State University of New York at Albany
Kaicun Wang
Geophysical Research Letters


Hejun Zhu





Hejun Zhu
The University of Texas at Dallas
Jeroen Ritsema
Geophysical Research Letters


Robert Zimmerman





Robert Zimmerman
Imperial College
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


2019 Cited Referees Not Pictured


Rebecca Harrington
Ruhr University Bochum
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Ildiko Horvath
The University of Queensland
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Foteini Vervelidou
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
JGR: Planets editors
JGR: Planets


Shuguang Wang
Columbia University
Chidong Zhang
JGR: Atmospheres

Citation: Giampoala, M. (2020), In appreciation of AGU’s outstanding reviewers of 2019, Eos, 101, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020EO144849. Published on 18 June 2020.
Text © 2020. AGU. CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Except where otherwise noted, images are subject to copyright. Any reuse without express permission from the copyright owner is prohibited.

Original Text (This is the original text for your reference.)

Geology & Geophysics AGU News

In Appreciation of AGU’s Outstanding Reviewers of 2019

AGU editors recognize the contributions of reviewers, whose valuable expertise continues to raise our journals’ high standards.


Today in Eos, AGU Publications again recognizes a number of outstanding reviewers for their work in 2019, as selected by the editors of each journal.

Peer review is central to communicating and advancing science. Although there have never been more ways to distribute ideas and research outputs online, a robust peer review ensures that we maintain the highest integrity in our scientific discourse. The peer review process is organized by our journal editors, but every article decision relies on individuals who take time out from their own research to volunteer their expertise. The work of these reviewers ensures proper evaluation of thousands of articles each year. We are truly thankful for their efforts.

As the uses for scientific literature have grown, so has the complexity of papers, which now typically include more authors bringing more techniques, data, simulations, and results. This increase in complexity, in turn, has increased the challenge and role of reviewing. The outstanding reviewers listed here have all provided in-depth evaluations, often over more than one round of revision, that greatly improved the final published papers. Their contributions have helped to raise the quality of submissions received from around the world, providing valuable feedback that elevates the prominence of our journals to the high standards that align with AGU tradition.

Many Reviewers: A Key Part of AGU Journals

Although we note these few outstanding reviewers here, we also acknowledge the broad efforts by all AGU reviewers in helping ensure the quality, timeliness, and reputation of AGU journals. In 2019, AGU received over 16,700 submissions, up from the 15,600 submissions received in 2018, and published over 7,000, up from 6,600 articles in 2018. Many of these submissions were reviewed multiple times—in all, 18,173 reviewers completed 39,368 reviews in 2019 compared to the 37,674 reviews completed in 2018.

This increase has happened in the past year while each AGU journal worked to shorten the time from submission to first decision and publication or maintained already industry-leading standards. Several AGU journals regularly return first decisions within 1 month of submission, and most others do so now within 2 months. Reviewers represent a key part of this improvement. We look back at 2019 here, but we have already seen that in 2020, during the pandemic and unrest, members of our amazing community have continued to accept invitations to peer review article submissions.

Editorials in each journal (some already published, some upcoming) express our appreciation along with recognition lists. Our thanks are a small recognition of the large responsibility that reviewers bear in improving our science and its role in society.

Additional Thanks

In addition, we are working to highlight the valuable role of reviewers through events (though they may be virtual) at the Fall Meeting and other meetings.

Each reviewer also receives a discount on AGU and Wiley books. We will continue to work with the Open Researcher and Contributor Identification network (ORCID) to provide official recognition of reviewers’ efforts, so that reviewers receive formal credit there. As of 5 May we have over 59,962 ORCIDs linked to GEMS user accounts, compared to 49,000 as this time last year.

Getting Your Feedback

We are working to improve the peer review process itself, using new online tools. We conducted a full survey earlier in 2020, and we continue to provide a short questionnaire for feedback after each review is completed.

We value your feedback, including ideas about how we can recognize your efforts even more, help improve your experience, and increase your input on the science.

We look forward to hearing from you. If you’d like to respond directly, feel free to take our survey.

Once again: Thanks!

—Matt Giampoala ([email protected]), Vice President, Science, AGU; and Carol Frost, Chair, AGU Publications Committee



Kelly Aho





Kelly Aho
Yale University
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences


Hoori Ajami





Hoori Ajami
University of California Riverside
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Ruzbeh Akbar





Ruzbeh Akbar
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Valeriy Ivanov
Geophysical Research Letters


A. Addison Alford





A. Addison Alford
University of Oklahoma
Earth’s Future editors
Earth’s Future


Subramaniam Ananthakrishnan





Subramaniam Ananthakrishnan
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Sana Salous
Radio Science


Leif G. Anderson





Leif G. Anderson
University of Gothenburg
Peter Brewer
JGR: Oceans


Martin Archer





Martin Archer
Queen Mary University of London
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Sylvain Barbot





Sylvain Barbot
University of Southern California
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


William Barnhart




William Barnhart
University of Iowa
Gavin P. Hayes
Geophysical Research Letters


Flavien Beaud




Flavien Beaud
University of British Columbia; previously at California Institute of Technology
Harihar Rajaram
Geophysical Research Letters


Matthew W. Becker





Matthew W. Becker
California State University Long Beach
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Larry K. Berg





Larry K. Berg
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Minghua Zhang
JGR: Atmospheres


Wouter R. Berghuijs





Wouter R. Berghuijs
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Gilles Billen





Gilles Billen
Centre National de la recherche Scientifique
Global Biogeochemical Cycles editors
Global Biogeochemical Cycles


Joachim Birn





Joachim Birn
Space Science Institute
Astrid Maute
Earth and Space Science


Russell Blackport




Russell Blackport
Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Environment and Climate Change
Gudrun Magnusdottir and Chris Patricola
Geophysical Research Letters


David Bromwich





David Bromwich
Ohio State University
Ruby Leung
JGR: Atmospheres


Stephen J. Burges





Stephen J. Burges
University of Washington
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Susannah Burrows





Susannah Burrows
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Joel Thornton
Geophysical Research Letters


Tim Canty





Tim Canty
University of Maryland, College Park
James Crawford
JGR: Atmospheres


Vachel Carter





Vachel Carter
Charles University
Valerie Trouet
Geophysical Research Letters


Valerie Cayol





Valerie Cayol
Université Clermont Auvergne
Rebecca Carey
Geophysical Research Letters


Stephanie Contardo




Stephanie Contardo
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Ryan Mulligan
JGR: Oceans


Jessie Creamean





Jessie Creamean
Colorado State University
Lynn Russell
JGR: Atmospheres


Jessica N. Cross




Jessica N. Cross
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Harihar Rajaram
Geophysical Research Letters


Kyla M. Dahlin





Kyla M. Dahlin
Michigan State University
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences


Stephen S.E. Darby





Stephen S.E. Darby
University of Southampton
JGR: Earth Surface editors
JGR: Earth Surface


Andrew Delman





Andrew Delman
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Janet Sprintall
Geophysical Research Letters


Kristine DeLong





Kristine DeLong
Louisiana State University, Coastal Studies Institute
Valerie Trouet
Geophysical Research Letters


Tonya DelSontro





Tonya DelSontro
University of Waterloo
Rose M. Cory
Geophysical Research Letters


Charlotte A. DeMott





Charlotte A. DeMott
Colorado State University
Chidong Zhang
JGR: Atmospheres


Simone Di Matteo




Simone Di Matteo
The Catholic University of America and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Astrid Maute
Earth and Space Science



Andrew P. Dimmock





Andrew P. Dimmock
Swedish Institute of Space Physics
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Stepan Dubyagin





Stepan Dubyagin
Finnish Meteorological Society
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Susana Enríquez





Susana Enríquez
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences


Stefan Eriksson




Stefan Eriksson
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
University of Colorado at Boulder
Andrew Yau
Geophysical Research Letters


Laura Ermert





Laura Ermert
Harvard University
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Robyn Fiori





Robyn Fiori
Natural Resources Canada
Space Weather editors
Space Weather


André Bustorff Fortunato





André Bustorff Fortunato
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
Andrea Donnellan
Earth and Space Science


Matthew Fox





Matthew Fox
University College London
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems editors
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


Amanda Frossard





Amanda Frossard
University of Georgia
Lynn Russell
JGR: Atmospheres


Bea Galladro-Lacourt




Bea Galladro-Lacourt
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/Universities Space Research Association
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics



Juan Pascual García





Juan Pascual García
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Sana Salous
Radio Science


Christoph Geiss





Christoph Geiss
Trinity College
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems editors
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


Cynthia Gerlein-Safdi





Cynthia Gerlein-Safdi
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Earth’s Future editors
Earth’s Future


Jie Gong




Jie Gong
Universities Space Research Association/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Hui Su
Geophysical Research Letters


Sander Goossens



Sander Goossens
Center for Space Sciences and Technology, University of Maryland; and Planetary Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
JGR: Planets editors
JGR: Planets


Julia Green





Julia Green
Le Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement
Alessandra Giannini
Geophysical Research Letters


Rebecca Greenberger





Rebecca Greenberger
California Institute of Technology
JGR: Planets editors
JGR: Planets


Jennifer Griswold





Jennifer Griswold
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Lynn Russell
JGR: Atmospheres


Nicolas Gruber





Nicolas Gruber
ETH Zürich
Global Biogeochemical Cycles editors
Global Biogeochemical Cycles


Bin Guan





Bin Guan
University of California, Los Angeles
Ruby Leung
JGR: Atmospheres


Hoshin Vijai Gupta





Hoshin Vijai Gupta
The University of Arizona
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Jasper Halekas





Jasper Halekas
The University of Iowa
Andrew Dombard
Geophysical Research Letters


Heather Handley





Heather Handley
Macquarie University
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems editors
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


Yuki Harada





Yuki Harada
Kyoto University
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Adrian Adam Harpold





Adrian Adam Harpold
University of Nevada, Reno
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Tore Hattermann





Tore Hattermann
Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, and University of Tromsø
Laurie Padman
JGR: Oceans


Liming He




Liming He
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Natural Resources Canada
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences


Carole Helfter





Carole Helfter
UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Fabio Florindo
Reviews of Geophysics


Jennifer Hertzberg





Jennifer Hertzberg
Old Dominion University
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology editors
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology


Peter Hitchcock





Peter Hitchcock
Cornell University
Bill Randel
JGR: Atmospheres


Forrest Hoffman





Forrest Hoffman
Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University of Tennessee
Rose M. Cory
Geophysical Research Letters


Ricardo Hueso Alonso





Ricardo Hueso Alonso
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
JGR: Planets editors
JGR: Planets


Kenneth Hughes





Kenneth Hughes
Oregon State University
Laurie Padman
JGR: Oceans


Adele L. Igel





Adele L. Igel
University of California, Davis
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems editors
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES)


Rachael James





Rachael James
University of Southampton
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems editors
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


Anna Karion





Anna Karion
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Fabio Florindo
Reviews of Geophysics


Joseph R. Kasprzyk





Joseph R. Kasprzyk
University of Colorado Boulder
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Laura Kerber





Laura Kerber
Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology
Andrew Dombard
Geophysical Research Letters


Jessica Keune





Jessica Keune
Ghent University
Valeriy Ivanov
Geophysical Research Letters


Lawrence Kleinman





Lawrence Kleinman
Brookhaven National Laboratory
James Crawford
JGR: Atmospheres


Maria Klepikova





Maria Klepikova
University of Lausanne
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Harald Kucharek





Harald Kucharek
University of New Hampshire
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


James LaBelle





James LaBelle
Dartmouth College
Andrew Yau
Geophysical Research Letters


Simon Lamb





Simon Lamb
Victoria University of Wellington
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Felix W. Landerer





Felix W. Landerer
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology
Kathleen Donohue
Geophysical Research Letters


William K. M. Lau





William K. M. Lau
University of Maryland
Minghua Zhang
JGR: Atmospheres


Carl J. Legleiter




Carl J. Legleiter
U. S. Geological Survey, Integrated Modeling and Prediction Division
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research



Solène Lejosne





Solène Lejosne
University of California, Berkeley
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Ricardo Letelier





Ricardo Letelier
Oregon State University
Angelicque White
Geophysical Research Letters


Michelle L. L’Heureux




Michelle L. L’Heureux
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center
Suzana Camargo
Geophysical Research Letters



Laifang Li





Laifang Li
Pennsylvania State University
Kristopher Karnauskas
JGR: Oceans


Laifang Li





Lin Li
Rochester Institute of Technology
Tectonics editors


Justin J. Likar





Justin J. Likar
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Space Weather editors
Space Weather


Wuyin Lin




Wuyin Lin
Environmental and Climate Sciences Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Minghua Zhang
JGR: Atmospheres



Gregory A. Lyzenga





Gregory A. Lyzenga
Harvey Mudd College
Andrea Donnellan
Earth and Space Science


Douglas MacMartin





Douglas MacMartin
Cornell University
Earth’s Future editors
Earth’s Future


Elizabeth H. Madden





Elizabeth H. Madden
Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Penelope Maher





Penelope Maher
University of Exeter
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems editors
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES)


Odin Marc




Odin Marc
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Geosciences Environnement and Geological Institute, Department of Earth Science
JGR: Earth Surface editors
JGR: Earth Surface


Milena Marjanović





Milena Marjanović
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems editors
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


Massimo Mattei





Massimo Mattei
University of Roma TRE
Tectonics editors


Thorsten Mauritsen





Thorsten Mauritsen
Stockholm University
Hui Su
Geophysical Research Letters


Stefano Mazzoli





Stefano Mazzoli
University of Camerino
Tectonics editors


Jessica McBeck





Jessica McBeck
University of Oslo
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Gavin McNicol





Gavin McNicol
Stanford University
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences


Kathryn McWilliams





Kathryn McWilliams
University of Saskatchewan
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Florian Mekhaldi





Florian Mekhaldi
Lund University
Valerie Trouet
Geophysical Research Letters


Annette K. Miltenberger




Annette K. Miltenberger
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research



Kyungguk Min





Kyungguk Min
Chungnam National University
Gang Lu
Geophysical Research Letters


Kumar Vijay Mishra





Kumar Vijay Mishra
United States Army Research Laboratory
Sana Salous
Radio Science


Toru Miyama





Toru Miyama
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Leo Oey
JGR: Oceans


Guillaume Morard




Guillaume Morard
Institut des Sciences de la Terre, Université Grenoble Alpes, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Steve Jacobsen
Geophysical Research Letters



Didier Mourenas




Didier Mourenas
CEA France
Gang Lu and JGR: Space Physics editors
Geophysical Research Letters
JGR: Space Physics



Juan Muglia





Juan Muglia
Centro para el Estudio de los Sistemas Marinos
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology editors
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology


Catherine M. Naud



Catherine M. Naud
Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University and National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Suzana Camargo
Geophysical Research Letters


Roseanna M. Neupauer





Roseanna M. Neupauer
University of Colorado Boulder
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Kiwamu Nishida





Kiwamu Nishida
University of Tokyo
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Renee Obringer





Renee Obringer
Purdue University
Earth’s Future editors
Earth’s Future


Yuko M. Okumura





Yuko M. Okumura
The University of Texas at Austin
Chris Patricola
Geophysical Research Letters


Dani Or



Dani Or
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich and Desert Research Institute
Division of Hydrologic Sciences
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Devon A. Orme





Devon A. Orme
Montana State University
Tectonics editors


Scott L. Painter




Scott L. Painter
Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research



Jaime B. Palter





Jaime B. Palter
Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island
Global Biogeochemical Cycles editors
Global Biogeochemical Cycles


Adriana Paluszny





Adriana Paluszny
Imperial College
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Christopher Paola





Christopher Paola
University of Minnesota
JGR: Earth Surface editors
JGR: Earth Surface


Jay W. Parker





Jay W. Parker
Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology
Andrea Donnellan
Earth and Space Science


Claudia Pasquero




Claudia Pasquero
University of Milan and Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Italian National Research Council
Andy Hogg
Geophysical Research Letters



Lenard Pederick





Lenard Pederick
University of Adelaide
Sana Salous
Radio Science


Tim J. Peterson





Tim J. Peterson
Monash University
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Carole Petit




Carole Petit
Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, IRD, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur
Tectonics editors



Robert Porritt





Robert Porritt
University of Texas, Institute for Geophysics
Jeroen Ritsema
Geophysical Research Letters


Giovanni Porta





Giovanni Porta
Politecnico di Milano
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Adina Pusok




Adina Pusok
University of Oxford and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems editors
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems



Annie L. Putman





Annie L. Putman
US Geological Survey Utah
Harihar Rajaram
Geophysical Research Letters


Yun Qian





Yun Qian
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (DOE)
Zhanqing Li
JGR: Atmospheres


Qubin Qin





Qubin Qin
Virginia Institute of Marine Science William & Mary
Marjy Friedrichs
JGR: Oceans


Julianne D. Quinn





Julianne D. Quinn
University of Virginia
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Licia Ray





Licia Ray
Lancaster University
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Ann Marie Reinhold





Ann Marie Reinhold
Montana State University
Rose M. Cory
Geophysical Research Letters


Carl Renshaw





Carl Renshaw
Dartmouth College
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Camilo Rey-Sanchez





Camilo Rey-Sanchez
University of California, Berkeley
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences


Cesar B. Rocha





Cesar B. Rocha
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Andy Hogg
Geophysical Research Letters


Chris Rollins





Chris Rollins
University of Leeds
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Brian Rose





Brian Rose
University at Albany (State University of New York)
Alessandra Giannini
Geophysical Research Letters


Zachary Ross





Zachary Ross
California Institute of Technology
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Xiaozhou Ruan





Xiaozhou Ruan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Janet Sprintall
Geophysical Research Letters


Mojtaba Sadegh





Mojtaba Sadegh
Boise State University
Earth’s Future editors
Earth’s Future


Takuya Sagawa





Takuya Sagawa
Kanazawa University
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology editors
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology


Adam Scaife





Adam Scaife
Met Office Hadley Centre
Bill Randel
JGR: Atmospheres


Daniel N. Scott





Daniel N. Scott
University of Washington
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Matthew Siegfried





Matthew Siegfried
Colorado School of Mines
Harihar Rajaram
Geophysical Research Letters


Eric Small





Eric Small
University of Colorado Boulder
Valeriy Ivanov
Geophysical Research Letters


Aleksey Smirnov





Aleksey Smirnov
Michigan Technological University
Monika Korte
Geophysical Research Letters


Karen Smith





Karen Smith
University of Toronto Scarborough
Alessandra Giannini and Hui Su
Geophysical Research Letters


Robert Sohn





Robert Sohn
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Rebecca Carey
Geophysical Research Letters


Michael Spall





Michael Spall
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Leo Oey and Laurie Padman
JGR: Oceans


Paul W. Staten





Paul W. Staten
Indiana University Bloomington
Suzana Camargo
Geophysical Research Letters


Philip Stauffer




Philip Stauffer
Earth and Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Harihar Rajaram
Geophysical Research Letters



Scott Steinschneider





Scott Steinschneider
Cornell University
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Claudia Stolle




Claudia Stolle
GFZ Potsdam, German Research Center for Geosciences and University of Potsdam, Faculty of Science
Andrew Yau
Geophysical Research Letters



Zhan Su





Zhan Su
California Institute of Technology
Leo Oey and Lei Lou
JGR: Oceans


Zhenpeng Su





Zhenpeng Su
University of Science and Technology of China
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Tianhaozhe Sun





Tianhaozhe Sun
Pacific Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Nicoletta Tambroni





Nicoletta Tambroni
Università Di Genova
JGR: Earth Surface editors
JGR: Earth Surface





Silvia Trini Castelli
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima
James Crawford
JGR: Atmospheres



Daniel Trugman




Daniel Trugman
Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin
Gavin P. Hayes
Geophysical Research Letters



Luke D. Trusel





Luke D. Trusel
Pennsylvania State University
Mathieu Morlighem
Geophysical Research Letters


Natalie Umling





Natalie Umling
American Museum of Natural History
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology editors
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology


Ype van der Velde




Ype van der Velde
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Erik van Sebille





Erik van Sebille
Utrecht University
Marjy Friedrichs
JGR: Oceans


John T. van Stan





John T. van Stan
Georgia Southern University
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Fátima Viveiros





Fátima Viveiros
Universidade dos Açores
Gabriel Filippelli


Marissa Vogt





Marissa Vogt
Center for Space Physics, Boston University
Andrew Yau
Geophysical Research Letters


Fabian Wadsworth





Fabian Wadsworth
Durham University
Rebecca Carey
Geophysical Research Letters


Laura Wallace




Laura Wallace
GNS Science and The University of Texas Institute for Geophysics
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Baoshan Wang





Baoshan Wang
University of Science and Technology of China
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Nicholas Ward




Nicholas Ward
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Marine Sciences Laboratory and University of Washington, School of Oceanography
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences


Naomi Wells




Naomi Wells
Centre for Coastal Biogeochemistry, Southern Cross University
JGR: Biogeosciences editors
JGR: Biogeosciences



Earle Williams





Earle Williams
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Minghua Zhang
JGR: Atmospheres


Mathew Williams




Mathew Williams
University of Edinburgh and National Centre for Earth Observation
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems editors
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES)



Phillip J. Wolfram




Phillip J. Wolfram
Fluid Dynamics and Solid Mechanics, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems editors
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES)



Teng-fong Wong





Teng-fong Wong
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Pei Xin





Pei Xin
Hohai University
Martyn Clark
Water Resources Research


Shiqing Xu





Shiqing Xu
Southern University of Science and Technology
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Wenchang Yang





Wenchang Yang
Princeton University
Gudrun Magnusdottir
Geophysical Research Letters






Andrew Yool
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
Global Biogeochemical Cycles editors
Global Biogeochemical Cycles


Chunlüe Zhou





Chunlüe Zhou
State University of New York at Albany
Kaicun Wang
Geophysical Research Letters


Hejun Zhu





Hejun Zhu
The University of Texas at Dallas
Jeroen Ritsema
Geophysical Research Letters


Robert Zimmerman





Robert Zimmerman
Imperial College
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


2019 Cited Referees Not Pictured


Rebecca Harrington
Ruhr University Bochum
Isabelle Manighetti
JGR: Solid Earth


Ildiko Horvath
The University of Queensland
JGR: Space Physics editors
JGR: Space Physics


Foteini Vervelidou
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
JGR: Planets editors
JGR: Planets


Shuguang Wang
Columbia University
Chidong Zhang
JGR: Atmospheres

Citation: Giampoala, M. (2020), In appreciation of AGU’s outstanding reviewers of 2019, Eos, 101, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020EO144849. Published on 18 June 2020.
Text © 2020. AGU. CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Except where otherwise noted, images are subject to copyright. Any reuse without express permission from the copyright owner is prohibited.

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