The 7th International Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service & 2023 "Belt and Road" Forum on Digital Earth - Big Data-Driven Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Services Session was held in Beijing on December 6, 2023. This workshop was hosted by the Disaster Risk Reduction Unit and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Section, Natural Sciences Sector, UNESCO, and the International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (IKCEST) under the Auspices of UNESCO, organized by the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR, CAS) and the Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service of IKCEST (IKCEST-DRR). The event attracted top scientists, engineers, government officials, educators, entrepreneurs, and representatives from international organizations from countries along the "Belt and Road" initiative and other nations.
This Session was chaired by Faduma Hussein Ali, Disaster Risk Reduction Unit and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Section, Natural Sciences Sector, UNESCO, Dr. Liu Chang, Secretary General of IKCEST, Director of Division One of the Department of International Cooperation of CAE, Prof. Wang Juanle, Executive Director of IKCEST-DRR. The Session comprised seven presentations: Faduma Hussein Ali gave a speech on "Innovation and Disaster Risk Reduction"; Prof. Wang Juanle made a report on "An Open Knowledge Platform: Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service"; Associate Prof. Faith Ka Shun Chan from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China delivered a report titled "News Media Analytics for Urban Flood Management and Resilience: The Case of Chinese Cities"; Prof. Li Suju from the National Disaster Reduction Center of China gave a report on " Space-based Big Data-Driven Disaster Risk Monitoring in China"; Prof. Tang Hong from Beijing Normal University gave a speech on " Deep Incremental Learning for rapid Identification of collapsed buildings due to natural disasters "; Dr. Meen B. Poudyal Chhetri, from Nepal Center for Disaster Management made a report on "Big Data-Driven Disaster Risk Reduction and Space Technology Knowledge Services"; and Associate Prof. Li Kun from Wuhan University gave a speech on " Temporal-Spatial Evolution of Urban Extreme Weather Disasters and Thermal Comfort Relationship Study."
The successful convening of this workshop will bolster collaboration between IKCEST and domestic and international institutions, further promote the application and practice of Open Science Recommendation in the field of disaster risk reduction, and enhance the service capabilities and influence of IKCEST-DRR (

Conference site

Presentation by Faduma Hussein Ali, Disaster Risk Reduction Unit, Natural Sciences Sector, UNESCO

Presentation by Prof. Wang Juanle, Executive Director of IKCEST-DRR
Original Text (This is the original text for your reference.)
The 7th International Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service & 2023 "Belt and Road" Forum on Digital Earth - Big Data-Driven Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Services Session was held in Beijing on December 6, 2023. This workshop was hosted by the Disaster Risk Reduction Unit and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Section, Natural Sciences Sector, UNESCO, and the International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (IKCEST) under the Auspices of UNESCO, organized by the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR, CAS) and the Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service of IKCEST (IKCEST-DRR). The event attracted top scientists, engineers, government officials, educators, entrepreneurs, and representatives from international organizations from countries along the "Belt and Road" initiative and other nations.
This Session was chaired by Faduma Hussein Ali, Disaster Risk Reduction Unit and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Section, Natural Sciences Sector, UNESCO, Dr. Liu Chang, Secretary General of IKCEST, Director of Division One of the Department of International Cooperation of CAE, Prof. Wang Juanle, Executive Director of IKCEST-DRR. The Session comprised seven presentations: Faduma Hussein Ali gave a speech on "Innovation and Disaster Risk Reduction"; Prof. Wang Juanle made a report on "An Open Knowledge Platform: Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service"; Associate Prof. Faith Ka Shun Chan from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China delivered a report titled "News Media Analytics for Urban Flood Management and Resilience: The Case of Chinese Cities"; Prof. Li Suju from the National Disaster Reduction Center of China gave a report on " Space-based Big Data-Driven Disaster Risk Monitoring in China"; Prof. Tang Hong from Beijing Normal University gave a speech on " Deep Incremental Learning for rapid Identification of collapsed buildings due to natural disasters "; Dr. Meen B. Poudyal Chhetri, from Nepal Center for Disaster Management made a report on "Big Data-Driven Disaster Risk Reduction and Space Technology Knowledge Services"; and Associate Prof. Li Kun from Wuhan University gave a speech on " Temporal-Spatial Evolution of Urban Extreme Weather Disasters and Thermal Comfort Relationship Study."
The successful convening of this workshop will bolster collaboration between IKCEST and domestic and international institutions, further promote the application and practice of Open Science Recommendation in the field of disaster risk reduction, and enhance the service capabilities and influence of IKCEST-DRR (

Conference site

Presentation by Faduma Hussein Ali, Disaster Risk Reduction Unit, Natural Sciences Sector, UNESCO

Presentation by Prof. Wang Juanle, Executive Director of IKCEST-DRR
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