Welcome to the IKCEST


IKCEST General Platform

Scientific Data (科学数据)

Journal Articles(期刊论文)

Introduction: IKCEST has included another 930,687 journal articles on its platform recently, covering mathematical science, chemical science, life science and information science, among others. Just click in, and get what you need.

Source: IKCEST General Platform

Release date: Dec. 2022

Provided by: Cai Lingli, Zhang Xinxing, Wang Suyun

Patents (专利)

Introduction: 7.65 million pieces of patents have been added to the IKCEST general platform recently, which is ranging from mathematical science, chemical science, life science, materials and engineering science, information science, management science and earth science to medical science. Just click in, and get what you need.

Source: IKCEST General Platform

Release date: Dec. 2022

Provided by: Cai Lingli, Zhang Xinxing, Wang Suyun

Experts (专家)

Introduction: Another 1,312 experts in the agriculture, medicine and other fields have been added. Their papers or journal articles show their opinions and achievements in relevant fields, enabling you to check them out!

Source: IKCEST General Platform

Release date: Dec. 2022

Provided by: Cai Lingli, Zhang Xinxing, Wang Suyun

Knowledge application (知识应用)

The Belt and Road Index (“一带一路”指数)

Introduction: The Belt and Road Index pools and analyses information of countries along the Belt and Road, and presents to users the latest updates, academic research, policy and regulation of those countries. Recently, we have updated 780 pieces of news and 16 videos. Please go ahead and search for what you want.

Source: IKCEST General Platform

Release date: Dec. 2022

Provided by: Cai Lingli, Zhang Xinxing, Wang Suyun

World Heritage Protection (文化遗产保护)

Introduction: The World Heritage Protection focuses on the technology of restoring and protecting the world heritages, further analyses the natural and human causes of the damages to them, and offers corresponding S&T literature and documents to personnels engaged in the field and the general public interested in it. Recently, 6,459 pieces of news, 1,673 journal articles and 5 videos have been added. Please go ahead and search for what you want!

Source: IKCEST General Platform

Release date: Dec. 2022

Provided by: Cai Lingli, Zhang Xinxing, Wang Suyun

Global Engineering Projects (全球工程)

Introduction: Human beings have experienced different times from thatched cottages to high-rise buildings, dirt roads to expressways, and carriages to airplanes. It is those engineering projects that witness the development of human civilization. We have added 50 engineering projects recently. Please go ahead and search for what you want!

Source: IKCEST General Platform

Release date: Dec. 2022

Provided by: Cai Lingli, Zhang Xinxing, Wang Suyun

Public Health Security (公共安全卫生)

Introduction: The Public Health Security knowledge service covers resources such as policies and regulations, research datasets, vaccine updates and popular science videos among others, supporting countries, especially developing countries in their post-COVID-19 recovery and capacity in sustainable development. Recently, 2,878 pieces of news, 129 journal articles and 630 videos have been added. Please go ahead and search for what you want!

Source: IKCEST General Platform

Release date: Dec. 2022

Provided by: Cai Lingli, Zhang Xinxing, Wang Suyun

News (新闻资讯)

The Second Sessions of IKCEST 3rd Advisory Committee and Governing Board Held Online (IKCEST第三届理顾会第二次会议在线召开)

Introduction: The Second Sessions of the third governing board and advisory committee for International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (IKCEST) was held in Beijing on the evening of September 27, 2022, in person and via video links. A total of 80 participants attended the sessions. Wang Chen, Vice President of CAE, Director of IKCEST attended the sessions and gave a briefing on the IKCEST Biennial Work Plan (2023-2024). Attending experts expressed their appreciation for the productive work accomplished by IKCEST in the past year and put forward constructive suggestions.

Source: IKCEST Secretariat

Release date: Dec. 2022

Provided by: Fang Ying

IKCEST Representative Attended “Strengthening the Collaboration among Science Networks in Asia and the Pacific” Forum upon Invitation (IKCEST应邀出席“加强亚太地区科学组织间合作”论坛)

Introduction: The forum themed on “Strengthening the Collaboration among Science Networks in Asia and the Pacific” was held in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, and online, from November 7 to 9, 2022. 70 participants attended the regional event through video links. Ms. Liu Chang, Secretary General of the International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (IKCEST) under the Auspices of UNESCO, also Director of Division One, Department of International Cooperation, Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) was invited to made a presentation.

Source: IKCEST Secretariat

Release date: Dec. 2022

Provided by: Fang Ying

IKCEST-ISTIC Collaboration Meeting Held Online (IKCEST与ISTIC在线召开合作会议)

Introduction: The IKCEST – ISTIC Collaboration meeting was held online on November 22, 2022. IKCEST Secretary-General Liu Chang attended the meeting. The meeting reviewed the fruitful collaboration forged by IKCEST and ISITC under the framework of MoU over the years and both looked forward to the continued cooperation.

Source: IKCEST Secretariat

Release date: Dec. 2022

Provided by: Fang Ying

Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service ( DRR )

Scientific Data (科学数据)

Data Set of Surface Water Body Distribution within 30 Meters of Baikal Lake Basin from 2013 to 2021(2013年至2021贝加尔湖流域30米范围内地表水体分布数据集)

Introduction: This data set is a 30 meter surface water body distribution data set in the Baikal Lake basin from 2013 to 2021. It has 9 phases in total. The data is obtained from Landsat 8 image data through data preprocessing, model training and Google Earth Engine deployment prediction. The data format is TIF format, and the spatial resolution is 30 meters.

Source: Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service

Release date: Sep. 2022

Provided by: Yuan Yuelei

Vegetation Phenology Data Set of Mongolia from 2001 to 2019(2001年至2019年蒙古国植被物候数据集)

Introduction: This data set consists of the annual and average data of the start of growing season (SOS), end of growing season (EOS), and length of growing season (LOS) in Mongolian vegetation from 2001 to 2019. This dataset reveals differences in the temporal and spatial distribution of vegetation phenology in Mongolia, and provides basic reference data for the study of vegetation phenology and climate change in the Mongolian Plateau.

Source: Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service

Release date: Sep. 2022

Provided by: Yuan Yuelei

Video (视频课件)

UNESCO's contribution to DRR and resilience-Focusing on AI and Nature Based Solution(联合国教科文组织对减少灾害风险和复原力的贡献——关注基于人工智能和自然的解决方案)

Introduction: This lecture introduced the United Nations actions in disaster risk reduction, the application of artificial intelligence in disaster risk reduction, and natural-based solutions to disaster risk reduction in rural areas.

Source: Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service

Release date: May 2022

Provided by: Yuan Yuelei

News (新闻资讯)

Forest Fire Threatens Global Carbon Sinks and Population Centres under Rising Atmospheric Water Demand(在大气需水量不断上升的情况下,森林火灾威胁着全球碳汇和人体健康)

Introduction: Levels of fire activity and severity that are unprecedented in the instrumental record have recently been observed in forested regions around the world. Using a large sample of daily fire events and hourly climate data, here we show that fire activity in all global forest biomes responds strongly and predictably to exceedance of thresholds in atmospheric water demand, as measured by maximum daily vapour pressure deficit. The climatology of vapour pressure deficit can therefore be reliably used to predict forest fire risk under projected future climates.

Source: Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service

Release date: Nov. 2022

Provided by: Yuan Yuelei

Predict, Monitor, and Mobilize: Deploying AI for Smart Disaster Response(预测、监控和动员:利用AI进行智能灾难响应)

Introduction: As climate change unfolds, natural disasters that strike with previously unthinkable force have become our new normal. Floodwaters rise higher, winds blow harder and lives and livelihoods are in greater danger than ever before. Incorporating AI and machine learning into natural disaster response has become de rigeuer in the last few years. As this technology evolves and the need to confront climate change escalates, technologists are rapidly pushing AI’s ability to predict, monitor and mobilize disaster response further than ever before. Looking at the latest examples of AI usage in disaster management — highly accurate forecasts, optimizing aid deployment and real-time monitoring, to name a few — we can take stock of how AI can help us adapt to climate change today, and prepare for a more resilient tomorrow.

Source: Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service

Release date: Nov. 2022

Provided by: Yuan Yuelei

Flooding Significantly Impacts Food Security, New Study Finds(研究发现洪水严重影响粮食安全)

Introduction: Analysis of African Nations Shows Multiple Effects of Floods on Food Needs. New research finds that flooding can affect food security for over 5.6 million people across several African nations. The work comes at a time when floods have also devastated Pakistan, India, and large parts of the European Union and the United States.

Source: Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service

Release date: Oct. 2022

Provided by: Yuan Yuelei

Intelligent City Knowledge Service (ICITY)

Scientific Data (科学数据)

Latest Global CityIQ Ranking(最新全球城市IQ排名)

Introduction: The CityIQ column aims at developing a data model to provide evaluation services for global cities, undertaking sustainable development research tasks, relating to themes of urban planing, transportation, environment, safety and encouraging cities to provide data and best practices to support database construction and to improve the worldwide competences of city database and city evaluation system.

Source: Intelligent City Knowledge Service

Release date: Dec. 2022

Provided by: Cao Buyang

Video (视频课件)

Urban Planning is Changing the Future (城市规划正在改变未来)

Introduction: CAE Member WU Zhiqiang believes that urban planning is particularly important for China. The history of urban development has repeatedly proved that the city as a human body needs to be organically combined with nature. Urban planning is not only to complete the artificial construction, but also to intervene in the ecological nature. Natural conditions are the first factor in urban planning, so it is necessary to integrate the artificial system and the natural ecosystem.

Source: Intelligent City Knowledge Service

Release date: Dec. 2022

Provided by: Li Xiang

Spatial Synergy and Supportiveness of Public Space (公共空间的空间协同与支撑)

Introduction: Professor Dieter Frick is from Technische Universität Berlinis. He is the former director of the institute of urban and regional planning at TU Berlin. He is a representative scholar in the field of urban planning theory in Germany. In this lecture he emphasizes the viewpoint, in contrast to the tradition of the Modern Movement, that public space has to be the decisive component in creating and developing settlement units that are habitable in the true sense.

Source: Intelligent City Knowledge Service

Release date: Dec. 2022

Provided by: Li Xiang

News (新闻资讯)

Professor Peng Zhenwei of Tongji University Attended the Special Program "Shanghai Manual" of World City Day 2022(同济大学彭震伟教授出席2022年世界城市日特别节目 《上海手册》专题访谈活动)

Introduction: On November 19, the special interview program of World City Day 2022, "Shanghai Manual: Empowering Global Urban Excellence in the 21st Century with the Power of Shanghai", was broadcast. Peng Zhenwei, Deputy Secretary of the University Party Committee of Tongji University attended the event as a guest.

Source: Intelligent City Knowledge Service

Release date: Nov. 2022

Provided by: Wang Wei

CAE Member Wu Zhiqiang Won the 2022 World Smart City Awards • Leadership Award(吴志强院士荣获2022世界智慧城市大奖•中国区领导力大奖领军人物奖)

Introduction: On the evening of November 16, the 4th World Smart City Awards • China Awards Ceremony was held in Chengdu. Wu Zhiqiang, an initiator of the World Urban Planning Education Network (WUPEN) and CAE Member, won the 2022 World Smart City Award • Leadership Award.

Source: Intelligent City Knowledge Service

Release date: Nov. 2022

Provided by: Wang Wei

Silk Road Sciences and Technology Knowledge Service ( SRST )

Knowledge application (知识应用)

The World Rank of Jordan University of Science and Technology University(“一带一路”高校排名- Jordan University of Science and Technology 大学)

Introduction: A knowledge application for comprehensive display and inquiry of Yasouj University in Iran is built to comprehensively display four internationally recognized world university rankings, such as QS, THE, US News and ARWU rankings.

Source: Silk Road Sciences and Technology Knowledge Service

Release date: Nov. 2022

Provided by: Zhang Qianglong

Video (视频课件)

Monetary Finance(货币金融学)

Introduction: As an important part of economics, this course takes money and monetary funds as the object, financial instruments, financial institutions and financial markets as the center, and reveals the development law, operation mechanism, institutional arrangement of finance, etc.

Source: Silk Road Sciences and Technology Knowledge Service

Release date: Dec. 2022

Provided by: Liu Jun


>>>IKCEST Newsletter 2022 October<<<

>>>IKCEST Newsletter 2022 August<<<